Friday, 10 August 2012


Bipolar transistor of junction (TBJ)
Polarizing to the bases-emitter diode in direct and collector-bases on inverse, we have the
model approximated for continuous. The static gains of current in common emitter and common
bases are defined respectively

b = h21E = hFE = IC / IB ~ h21e = hfe (>> 1 para TBJ comunes)
a = h21B = hFB = IC / IE ~ h21b = hfb (~< 1 para TBJ comunes)

La corriente entre collector y base ICB es de fuga, y sigue aproximadamente la ley
The current between collector and bases ICB it is of loss, and it follows approximately the law
ICB   = ICB0 (1 - eVCB/VT) ~ ICB0
VT = 0,000172 . ( T + 273 )
ICB   = ICB0(25ºC) . 2 DT/10
with DT the temperature jump respect to the atmosphere 25 [ºC]. From this it is then
DT   = T - 25
ICB / T = ICB / ¶DT ~ 0,07. ICB0(25ºC) . 2 DT/10
On the other hand, the dependency of the bases-emitter voltage respect to the temperature, to
current of constant bases, we know that it is
VBE / T ~ - 0,002 [V/ºC]
The existing relation between the previous current of collector and gains will be determined now
IC   = ICE   + ICB   = a IE + ICB
IC   = ICE   + ICB   = b IBE + ICB   = b ( IBE + ICB ) + ICB ~ b ( IBE + ICB )
b   = a / ( 1 - a )
a   = b / ( 1 + b )
Next let us study the behavior of the collector current respect to the temperature and the

of where they are deduced of the previous expressions
DICB   = 0,07. ICB0(25ºC) . 2 DT/10 DT
DVBE   = - 0,002 DT
VBB  - VEE   = IB (RBB + REE) + VBE  + IC REE
IC   = [ VBB  - VEE - VBE  + IB (RBB + REE) ] / [ RE + (RBB + REE) b-1 ]
SI = (IC/ICB) ~ (RBB + REE) / [ REE + RBB b-1 ]
SV = (IC/VBE) = (IC/VEE) = - (IC/VBB) = - 1 / ( RE + RBB b-1 )
(IC/VCC) = 0
DIC   = [ 0,07. 2 DT/10 (RBB + REE) ( REE + RBB b-1 )-1 ICB0(25ºC) +
+ 0,002 ( REE + RBB b-1 )-1 ] DT + ( RE + RBB b-1 )-1 (DVBB  - DVEE)
Be the data
IC   = ... VCE   = ... DT = ... ICmax   = ... RC = ...

From manual or the experimentation according to the graphs they are obtained
b   = ... ICB0(25ºC)   = ... VBE = ... ( ~ 0,6 [V] para TBJ de baja potencia)

and they are determined analyzing this circuit
RBB   = RB // RS
VBB   = VCC  . RS (RB+RS)-1   = VCC  . RBB / RB
DVBB   = DVCC  . RBB / RS   = 0
DVEE   = 0
REE   = RE
RCC   = RC
and if to simplify calculations we do
RE   >> RBB / b
us it gives
SI = 1 + RBB / RE
SV = - 1 / RE
DICmax   = ( SI . 0,07. 2 DT/10 ICB0(25ºC) - SV . 0,002 ) . DT
and if now we suppose by simplicity
DICmax   >> SV . 0,002 . DT
RE = ... >> 0,002 . DT / DICmax
RE [ ( DICmax / 0,07. 2 DT/10 ICB0(25ºC) . DT ) - 1 ] = ... > RBB  = ... << b RE = ...
being able to take a DIC smaller than DICmax if it is desired.
Next, as it is understood that
VBB = IB RBB  + VBE  + IE RE ~ [ ( IC b-1 - ICB0(25ºC) ) RBB  + VBE  + IE RE = ...
VCC = IC RC  + VCE  + IE RE ~ IC ( RC + RE ) + VCE = ...
they are finally
RB = RBB VCC / VBB = ...
RS = RB RBB / RB - RBB = ...
Fast design
This design is based on which the variation of the IC depends solely on the variation of the
ICB. For this reason one will be to prevent it circulates to the base of the transistor and is amplified.
Two criteria exist here: to diminish RS or to enlarge the RE. Therefore, we will make reasons both;
that is to say, that we will do that IS >> IB and that VRE > 1 [V] —since for IC of the order of
miliamperes are resistance RE > 500 [W] that they are generally sufficient in all thermal stabilization.

Be the data
IC   = ... VCE   = ... RC = ...
From manual or the experimentation they are obtained
b   = ...
what will allow to adopt with it
IS   = ... >> IC b-1
VRE = ... > 1 [V]
and to calculate
VCC = IC RC  + VCE  + VRE = ...
RE = VRE / IC   = ...
RS = ( 0,6 + VRE ) / IS   = ...
RB = ( VCC - 0,6 - VRE ) / IS   = ...

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